Husaberg FC/FS/FE Repair Manual (2004)

Complete PDF version of the Service Manual for the Husaberg FC 450/550 / FS 450/650e/6 / FE 450/650e/6. A MUST for every Husaberg owner.


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OEM Original factory workshop manual.

Models covered by this manual: 2004

Number of pages: 116 pages

Table of contents:

Husaberg FC/FS/FE

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Husaberg FC/FS/FE

Husaberg was founded in 1988, when the Cagiva group acquired the iconic Swedish motorcycle label Husqvarna. A group of engineers opted to stay in Sweden and form a new firm, which they dubbed Husaberg. The firm manufactured four-stroke and two-stroke enduro, motocross, and supermoto motorcycles. The Husaberg brand was eventually bought by the KTM company, where it stayed until 2014, when KTM purchased Husqvarna, believing that the latter’s name was far more iconic than the short-lived Husaberg brand.

Source: Wikipedia
