Kawasaki Ninja ZX10R (3rd generation) Repair Manual (2008-10)

Complete PDF version of the Service Manual for the Kawasaki Ninja ZX10R 3rd generation. A MUST for every ZX10R owner.


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OEM Original factory workshop manual.

Models covered by this manual: 2008 to 2010

Number of pages: 595 pages

Table of contents:

Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R

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Kawasaki Ninja ZX10R

The Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R is the successor of the Ninja ZX-9R in the Ninja sport bike line from Japanese manufacturer Kawasaki. It was first launched in 2004 and has since been updated and changed several times. It sports an ultra-narrow chassis, is light, and has radial brakes. The ZX-10R was named Cycle World magazine’s Best Superbike in 2004 and 2005, as well as the international Masterbike competition.


For the 2008 model year, the ZX-10R was completely new. The bike’s look changed dramatically, with a considerably more angular front end. Kawasaki switched from the 2006–2007 model’s dual underseat exhausts to a more typical single side exhaust. The engine’s compression ratio was increased.


The gearbox was only slightly modified from the 2008 model for the 2009 model. The shift shaft has been improved to enable for smoother shifts.


The 2010 model differed somewhat from the 2009 model in that the hlins steering damper was improved, the headlamps were recessed into the fairing, and the various fairing center section parts were now fused into one moulding.

Source: Wikipedia
